Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Okay...I have finally caved and made a blog! Woo-hoo! Lets see how this goes. To start, let me say how excited I am to be part of the blogging club. Now I can share all my secrets to being awesome! Just kidding...but seriously. I like to make up recipes and watch TV and try and re-create recipes. This is where I will show all my success stories! Yay!This will also be a place where I keep everyone updated on my MARRIED life. 

Above: marriage
  Alright I think this is it for my first post. I don't really know what to say yet...I'll get the hang of this, don't worry!


  1. You little blogger! I put you on my tool bar so I can find you quickly ;)

  2. Mom, is that you posting as me?? haha

  3. I have add you to my favorite blogger friends list on our blog...every excited to know the secrets of being awesome!
